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Donors Make a Difference

Since the first U.S. hostel was opened in 1934, our mission has been simple: to help all, especially the young, gain a greater understanding of the world and its people through hostelling. Our donors power our mission every day by making our most important initiatives possible.

When you donate to HI USA, you make a difference, from funding our travel scholarships for young adults and enriching our educational programs, to helping us expand our hostel network to new destinations.

There are many ways you can support HI USA, from a one-time donation to a legacy gift. We are a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, and your donation is tax deductible. We can accept donations online, over the phone and by mail. If you have any questions, we are happy to help — please contact us.

  • By phone: 1 (888) 449-8727
  • By email[email protected]
  • By mail:
    Hostelling International USA
    Attention: Geornell Smith
    8455 Colesville Road, Suite 1225
    Silver Spring, Maryland  20910

One-time or Monthly Donations

We appreciate gifts of any size, and whether you feel moved to contribute to HI USA on an ongoing basis or just once, we make it an easy process. Simply complete the online donation form and select your preferred gift amount and frequency, and let us know if there’s any specific initiative to which you’d like your contribution designated. When you select “wherever the need is greatest,” we will apply your gift where it can make the most difference to HI USA.

If you prefer to donate via mail, please complete our mail-in donation form and mail it with your check or credit card info.

Traveling to Spain has broadened my capacity to communicate. Exploring a different culture of people with different social norms has inspired me to be more open and accepting of others who are different from me. I will definitely take advantage of the next opportunity I have to travel again!

Trenisha Bennett, 2019 Explore the World Travel Scholarship Winner

Leave a Legacy

One of the greatest gifts you can make is one that endures for future generations. Many of our supporters choose to include HI USA in their will. Their generosity strengthens the future of HI USA and keeps the hostelling tradition alive.

We honor the tremendous commitment of our legacy donors in our Hostelling Legacy Society with recognition in our annual report and invitations to special events (though anonymity is always an option). As a legacy donor, you may choose to support HI USA through a charitable bequest, which is recorded as a gift to our endowment, or by giving other assets such as:

  • IRA or personal plan
  • Life insurance
  • Stock and bonds
  • Savings and checking accounts
  • Donor advised fund
  • Annuities

We encourage you to work with your professional advisor to help you determine which type of legacy gift is best for you. If you would like information about remembering HI USA with your legacy gift, please contact Geornell Smith at 1-888-449-8727 or [email protected].

View of HI New Orleans Hostel from Canal Street

Give a Meaningful Gift

A charitable donation makes a wonderful gift for family and friends on special occasions, or you may honor a loved one’s memory with a memorial donation.

Make a Gift

Other Ways to Give

Employer Matching Gifts

Want your donation to multiply? An easy to increase your gift to HI USA is to secure a matching donation by your employer. More than 18 million individuals work for companies with matching gift programs, including 65% of Fortune 500 companies. Ask your HR department if your employer offers a matching gift program.

Give Stock or Real Estate

You can also support HI USA by giving stocks, bonds, or real estate. Stocks  and bonds that have increased in value provide you with even greater tax benefits than gifts of cash. Please contact us before making this type of donation.

Real estate gifts can be in the form of undeveloped property, a personal residence or farm, rental property, or commercial property. As owner of the property, you would be entitled to an income tax deduction based on the appraised value of the property. Ask your financial advisor for guidance on donating real estate.

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